About Us Student related information

  1. Links of website containing universities in Fiji

  1. Ministry of Education : www.education.gov.fj/

  2. Fiji National University : www.fnu.ac.fj

  3. University of South Pacific: www.usp.ac.fj

  4. University of Fiji : www.unifiji.ac.fj

  1. Indian Community/student associations with links and contact details-The Indian students in Fiji universities are very less and therefore there are no associations of Indian students in Fiji. But there are three main Hindu community organizations in Fiji formed during girmit era or thereafter. These organizations are involved in education institutes, charitable works, spread of Hinduism and its culture etc. They are as follows

(i)Then India Samagara Ikya (TISI) Sangam (TISI) www.sangamfiji.com.fj based at Nadi and postal address of its Head Office is Post Box 9, Nadi, Fiji Islands, Phone +6796700016 & Fax +6796703777

(ii) Arya Samaj of Fiji with website www.aryasamaj.fj Headquarters 1 Ono Street, Samabula, Fiji, Phone-+6793386044, fax-+6793382592, Postal Address: PO Box 4245, Samabula, Fiji and Email aryasamaj@connect.com.fj

(iii) Shree Sanatandharm Pratinndhi Sabha based at Nadi with web site www.sanatanfiji.com

  1. Officers of High Commission of India who can be contacted for any query pertaining to education:

        (i).   Mr. P.P. Menon, Second Secretary (Consular and Commerce) Phone No.:3301151 & 3301125
      (ii). Mr. Anupam Khare, Assistant Consular Officer, Phone No.:3301125
  1. Travel Advisory for Students from India seeking admission in Fiji universities.

  1. Should have a valid passport of having validity or remaining validity for more than six months period.

  2. Blank Pages on the passport for immigration stamp.

  3. Proper study visa of Fiji.

  4. Currency restriction of FJ$10000/-or equivalent foreign currency. More than this amount is to be declared at Immigration counter at Airport.

  5. Personal Insurance et. and arrangements of adequate financing in case of any mis-happening that needs evacuation by Air.

  1. Other Important Links: Nil

  2. Useful Documents/Reports: Varies from university to university and stream in which one wishes to enter.